Taurus Weekly Horoscope: Detailed Forecast for Last Week (2024)

Aug 19 - 25Aug 26 - 01Sep 02 - 08Sep 09 - 15Sep 16 - 22

Weekly Horoscope for the week of August 19

In view of the planets currently in your astral sky, you would be well advised to approach this week of 19 to 25 August with the greatest caution, especially if you are not particularly comfortable with conflict.

In effect, the meeting of Uranus and Pluto means that in the days to come you will be absolutely determined to get things done, to an extent that some would describe as aggressive. Your great sensitivity, which is usually an asset for you, could play tricks on you from the middle of the week.

Your impulsiveness will also make you run a significant risk of making hasty decisions. If you don't want to immediately regret some of your choices, you'll need to exercise a little patience.

When it comes to love, it will certainly be difficult for you to take your partner's point of view into account or spend enough time with them. You'll be stuck in your own thoughts and find it hard to reach out to others or establish trust with them. This particular mood will also do the projects of single Taurus a disservice. Too bad, love will have to wait!

At work, you could feel some tension in your relationships, in part due to your difficulties in controlling your emotions. Some of your colleagues will find it hard to believe in your sincerity. Perhaps you should ask yourself whether it's a good idea to always tell everyone the whole truth!

Taurus Weekly Horoscope: Detailed Forecast for Last Week (1)

This week, watch out for reversals

In view of your astral conjunction, everything suggests that this week of 19 to 25 August will be difficult to manage for most Taurus. The meeting of Pluto and Uranus testifies to your very thin skin, but also your inability to bite your tongue!

When you are confronted with a situation that you consider unfair, you'll jump straight in to challenge the people involved in an attempt to resolve the problem. And the words you use won't necessarily go down very well, despite your good intentions.

Do you want to make important decisions about the future of your career or your relationship? Take your time before making your choice. Your current context doesn't seem very conducive to doing it right now.

Important days during this week


Your best day for Love:Wednesday, August 21

The Taurus astral climate in love is filled with positive vibes thanks to Venus and Jupiter. If you are in a relationship, you let go of your doubts and stop your inner struggle because you understand you need to take the next step with your loved one. You can no longer resist change because you know that a relationship must grow in order to last.

If you are single, you have had your share of hardships and misfortunes, but all of this is now behind you and you are slowly getting back on your feet. You are gradually healing a heart bruised by disappointments in love. You are reaching out to people who offer you the tenderness and gentleness you need.

Your best day for Finance:Sunday, August 25

The Taurus astral climate invites you to invest your money wisely. With Uranus around, you have no shortage of ideas for spending your cash but you still really want to make a real estate purchase.

Your goal is to quickly make your family safe and secure, both literally and figuratively. So, building or buying a house right away is your top priority.

Your best day for Work:Saturday, August 24

From a professional point of view, today you will feel the urge to take stock and think about your career prospects.

Although you're happy enough with your current situation and you get along fairly well with some of your colleagues, you feel you are ready for a new challenge. To feel more fulfilled in your work, there's nothing better than taking on new responsibilities!

Your week of August 19 in detail

Monday, August 19

Today, Taurus are subject to the influence of Mercury, Venus and Mars. So, there will be exchanges of all kinds on the menu because Mercury promotes communication.

The presence of Venus attempts to soften spirits agitated by the action of Mars and therefore you may experience conflicting emotions during this Monday. On the one hand, you want gentleness and light, to take time to appreciate the beauty of life, and on the other hand, you want to push forward and get everything you want with a snap of your fingers.

It would be a good idea to sweeten your words a little on this August 19 as you have a tendency to be a bit blunt in your speech. In your love life, you have a strong desire for stability but at the same time, you would like to continue to exercise your talents as a charmer. What a dilemma!

Tuesday, August 20

Are you not particularly fond of routine and would like to see some quick changes happening in your daily life?

Then you'll be happy with today's astral conjunction. Ruled by the Moon, Mars and Pluto, it indicates the emergence of a real need for change, which may manifest itself in your emotional life as well as in your professional life. On this August 20, you will become aware of the imperfections in your current situation and will think about solutions to change the course of your life.

Like many Taurus, you aren't the self-pitying type and are willing to question some of your certainties if it's necessary. Today, Mars and Pluto will provide you with the energy you need to take action and make decisions. So expect your personal situation to change!

Wednesday, August 21

Today Taurus have one of the best possible combinations of planets in their astral skies. Mercury and Venus invite you to express yourself with kindness and bring some sweetness to your life. It's a day filled with great opportunities and Jupiter is a major contributor to your success, offering golden opportunities on a platter.

You are truly lucky on this August 21. In your love life, you stop your fruitless struggles and decide to develop in the same direction as your partner. If you are single, it's the blue sky after the storm of recent times, and you experience some calm that is good for your morale.

Professionally, you have all the assets you need to climb a long way up the ladder, and also to find the right people to lean on to help you in your progress. Financially, you don't want to torture your mind with money matters. Since everything is fine, why bother?

Thursday, August 22

The combination of Jupiter and Saturn in the Taurus astral sky is very strange. While the first of these two planets undoubtedly evokes your thirst for novelty and your need for development, the second highlights the obstacles and fears that are currently preventing you from moving forward.

Under the influence of the Moon today you will try to find a solution to this paradox by paying attention to your inner world and trying to decipher its messages. While this introspection will certainly force you to confront some of your repressed memories, it will prove to be deeply beneficial to your development in the long run.

Thanks to it, from today you'll begin to have a better understanding of how you think, to detect your cognitive biases and to have a more precise idea of the life you would like to lead. Just be honest with yourself.

Friday, August 23

With Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the Taurus astral sky you'll struggle to make progress today! The good influence of Mercury and Venus risk being attenuated or even completely thwarted by Saturn.

You can say goodbye to spontaneity and great outbursts of emotion for this August 23, but that doesn't mean love is absent. You'll have to take a slightly more winding path to achieve your ends. This is particularly the lot of Taurus who are in a relationship. You will have to arm yourself with patience to get through this day which may feel very frustrating to you.

Professionally, you have the possibility of changing direction but the thought makes you a little uncomfortable. When it comes to your finances, your mind is sharp and you don't take any risks with your investments. Even though it may not be obvious, this day lady luck is on your side and could bring you positive responses.

Saturday, August 24

Taurus in search of surprise and change will be delighted to learn of the presence of Uranus in their skies. Under the influence of this planet, you'll become aware of the imperfect nature of your daily life and will seek to take a path more in line with your true values.

A profound change is currently taking place in the background. Its repercussions will soon be visible in all facets of your life, professionally and emotionally. This upheaval in your situation can be explained in large part by your above-average ability to listen to your needs and your ability to understand the messages conveyed by your emotions.

Although at first glance this spiritual awakening could turn out to be destabilizing, it will ultimately be the main lever for your development. Don't be afraid of change: Jupiter in your sky indicates you'll soon meet many successes.

Sunday, August 25

With Mercury, Venus and Uranus in the sky Taurus should prepare for the unexpected this August 25. Sudden events and sudden realizations that arrive without warning mean you'll have to adapt quickly to the new situation you are facing.

In your love life it looks like you are going to be a parent sooner than you imagined and it bothers you a lot. You will have to make peace with your own childhood to be able to consider this new stage of your life with serenity.

Professionally, you have the opportunity to make a whole new start and even to change country to give free rein to your projects. Financially, your ideas are fizzing all over the place and it's hard to know your priority for investing your money. In terms of luck, it seems you are immune to financial loss, your accounts have never looked so good.

Moon calendar

Balsamic Moon

July 29 - August 1

Running is not what's important, it's setting out at the right time! This is the clear teaching of the balsamic moon. In the next few days take some time to digest recent events. You need to regain some strength.

New Moon

August 2 - August 4

Once again this month, the new moon will encourage you to become more aware of your true needs and strive to make your dreams come true. If you want to be happy in life, you first have to be able to imagine what that means, don't you think? It's up to you.

Waxing crescent

August 5 - August 6

The waxing crescent moon is a reminder that life can be full of pleasant surprises. In the days ahead, make an effort to step out of your comfort zone and explore the riches the world has to offer. Giving your curiosity free rein is a sign of good health!

First quarter

August 7 - August 11

The time has come to make a choice and finally draw a line under the things that need to stay in your past. Your future is beckoning. If you want to accede to the happiness it offers you may have to traverse a few storms first. But that's ok, your boat is solid.

Waxing gibbous

August 12 - August 13

A brush stroke here, a little putty there, a coat of varnish to finish. During the waxing gibbous moon, it'll be important to you to add meticulous finishing touches to your current project. A little creativity and a bit of common sense. The program is perfect!

Full moon

August 14 - August 19

We all need to feel properly supported in order to make the most of our potential. So it's a happy chance that the full moon is back in the great celestial vault. Without a shadow of a doubt, it will help you look forward to your future with serenity. What more could you ask for?

Waning gibbous

August 20

During the waning gibbous moon you should consider taking your foot off the accelerator a little and taking a step back to think about what you have done recently. But don't rest on your laurels for too long or you might feel overwhelmed by life continuing.

Third Quarter

August 21 - August 27

In the next few days you're likely to feel a little unhappy with things. You will probably need to take a step back from any problems you are facing. A period of introspection will mean you'll quickly feel in a happier state of mind.

Balsamic Moon

August 28 - September 2

In the evening, look closely at the sky. The balsamic moon invites you to rest as soon as you have the opportunity. You know, life isn't just about movement. Sometimes it's good to do nothing at all. And don't feel guilty about it!

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Taurus Weekly Horoscope: Detailed Forecast for Last Week (2024)
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